The soluble protein collected from the E. coli which was transformed with the vector containing ZCD with its fusion protein and histidine tag was extracted and analyzed by SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis(with and without 0.02% L-arabanose) . The result showed showed a protein of the target mass that was found primarily in the induced cells. This result was further confirmed by digestion of the band in question using trypsin (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis) and analyzed using LC-MS (Waters Synapt G2 and HPLC).
Applications of BBa_K906102
This part can be used to overproduce ZCD in E. coli. ZCD can be used to produce chemicals that are chacteristic of Crocus sativus , also known as the saffron flower.
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UNIQb562fdb3c649127b-partinfo-00000001-QINU UNIQb562fdb3c649127b-partinfo-00000002-QINU